Single Event
22 Jan 2022. ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Libero varius ligula a id nec libero amet non.
Event tomorrow
8.00am – 12.00am
Visit ticket counters to register or print your badge. Please download app in advance.
Welcome speach from conference organizers. Overview of upcomming events.
12.00am – 13.00pm
13.00am – 14.00pm
Opening Ceremony
Main conference part where all participants can network and exchange their contacts.
Live Performance
10 exhibiting startups are presenting their prototype on the main stage.
12.00pm – 18.00pm
21.00pm – 02.00am
Second conference round! Enjoy live music, beer & city vibes.